Crocker Creek Nature Trail Wildlife Cameras

In November we began placing trail cameras throughout the wild areas to help catalog the diversity of wildlife living on and passing through the grounds.  Attempts are made to keep the cameras away from walking paths and other areas where our visitors are expected to pass.

Click on images to play the video.

Fawn Season at Pioneer Bluffs

Doe and fawn wading in Crocker Creek

Wildlife Highlights

Deer looking into camera

Pioneer Bluffs Trail Camera Compilation – November 2021

Wild Turkeys

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkeys

White-tailed Deer

Deer looking into camera

White-tailed Deer

Bobcat on Crocker Creek

Deer looking into camera

Bobcat Walking Along Crocker Creek

Prowling Coyotes

Coyote in the night

Coyotes Hunting on Crocker Creek

Beaver on Crocker Creek

Beaver working in the night

Beaver activity on Crocker Creek
Updated May 2022

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron hunting on Crocker Creek

Great Blue Heron hunting on Crocker Creek


Raccoons, Opossum, Birds, Armadillo….